What do I do?

oranges-2-1327797-1279x1705Do I ever get the Flu? And if so what do I do?

At this time of the year this is a question I often hear and I thought it may be good to write about it.

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Remedy of the week – Mercurius Solubilis

Mercurius Solubilis Esthers homeopathy clinic

Mercurius Solubilis; also referred to as Quick Silver, is a metal that in its pure form is liquid at room temperature. In Homeopathy we refer to it as Merc Sol or Merc Viv or simply Mercury.


Commonly used in thermometers,

Posted in Homeopathy, Remedies, remedy of the week, Therapeutics

Ledum, remedy of the week

Ledum Esthers Homeopathy Clinic

Ledum Palustre –  also known as Marsh Tea or Wild Rosemary is a shrub that thrives in cold damp growing conditions.

It is certainly one of the Remedies you don’t want to miss,  in your First Aid Homeopathic remedy kit.

Posted in Remedies, remedy of the week, Uncategorised

Whole Health


What has your Athletes foot in common with your Sleeplessness????


If you suffer from both these things that happen in you, YOU are the connecting factor and if we want to help you overcome these issues we need to look at all of who you are,

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Silica Terra – Remedy of the Week

Silica Terra Esthers Homeopathy Clinic

SILICA TERRA or Pure Flint

In nature we find Silica in sand. Quartz, Rock Crystal, Amethyst, Agate, Flint, Jasper, and Opal are all silicon oxides. Of course sand is also the basis for glass production, clay and other products. Silicon makes up 25.7% of the earth’s crust by weight and is the second most abundant element on earth.

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A Case of ‘Blackouts’


I thought it would be nice to share with you a little case I saw recently, to explain the process I go through to find a remedy that matches the client’s symptoms.

First I have to take the case

I listen to what my client tells me,

Posted in Case, Homeopathy, Method
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Remedy of the Week- Euphrasia


Euphrasia Officinalis or “Eye bright”

Considering the name it will not be surprising that this remedy is ultimately known for its affinity with symptoms of the eye.

Euphrasia is very helpful in inflammations of the eye.

Posted in Remedies, Therapeutics

It is in the weather….

The weather’; It is amazing how often the topic comes up in conversation. It is a nice icebreaker or a space filler when talking to a stranger in the queue at the supermarket. It is much watched and always complained about by farmers relying on it for their management decisions.

Posted in Remedies, Therapeutics

Choosing a Homeopath.

837127_98553547In New Zealand the field of ‘Natural Medicines’ or ‘Complementary and Alternative   Therapies’ is not regulated by the Government.

This basically means that any person whishing to do so can call themselves and practice the Therapies in this category.

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Welcome to my Clinic’s website!

I hope you find it’s content informative and useful, in deciding if Homeopathy is what you are looking for in your quest to Health.

If you feel you would like more information before you decide,

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Esther Ritmeester DipHom, R.Hom.Int

Esther's Homeopathy Clinic

Esther Ritmeester DipHom, R.Hom.Int


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