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Hepar Sulph, remedy of the week.

Hepar Sulph, remedy of the week.

Hepar Sulph? Think Cheese

I’ve seen a lot of questions about this remedy recently, so that makes it a good choice for our focus this week. Commonly found in Homeopathic first aid kits; It is helpful in many little but keenly felt acute problems.


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Belladonna, remedy of the week.

Belladonna, remedy of the week.High fevers and throbbing inflammation.

Now here is one remedy no Family can do without. It should be in everyone’s Homeopathic first aid kit. Belladonna…… the Queen of fevers and red hot inflammations.

Big Eyed girls.

“Belladonna” means “lovely lady” in Italian, a name given to the Deadly Nightshade plant commonly found in many gardens.

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Posted in Homeopathy, Remedies, remedy of the week

Remedy of the week – Mercurius Solubilis

Mercurius Solubilis; also referred to as Quick Silver, is a metal that in its pure form is liquid at room temperature. In Homeopathy we refer to it as Merc Sol or Merc Viv or simply Mercury.


Commonly used in thermometers, barometers and other scientific instruments. And because it conducts electricity;

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Posted in Homeopathy, Remedies, remedy of the week, Therapeutics

Ledum, remedy of the week

Ledum Palustre –  also known as Marsh Tea or Wild Rosemary is a shrub that thrives in cold damp growing conditions.

It is certainly one of the Remedies you don’t want to miss,  in your First Aid Homeopathic remedy kit. It has affinity with the small Joints,

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Posted in Remedies, remedy of the week, Uncategorised

Silica Terra – Remedy of the Week

SILICA TERRA or Pure Flint

In nature we find Silica in sand. Quartz, Rock Crystal, Amethyst, Agate, Flint, Jasper, and Opal are all silicon oxides. Of course sand is also the basis for glass production, clay and other products. Silicon makes up 25.7% of the earth’s crust by weight and is the second most abundant element on earth.

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